Coffee Shop Stealth

We spent another Sunday afternoon at one of Portland’s umpteen coffee shops–we’ll never run out of new ones to try.  Coffee shops are a great place to sketch people because they sit mesmerized in front of their laptops for hours and hardly even move except to take a sip of coffee. This young woman was on to me so I had to be very sneaky about drawing her.  She finally whipped her head around and caught me looking right at her, then she got up and left.  I guess not everyone likes being a subject!


  1. I guess we will have to practice up on or sneaky skills like hiding behind a newspaper of tri fold brochure. :-}

  2. Boy, some people are always in paranoia mode. Funny, you don’t LOOK like a stalker – LOL. I like Carrie’s suggestion above. Great sketch and I love the vertical format you chose.

  3. This is my hobby – sneaking up on people in coffee shops. I usually try for strategic angles, or people so involved in conversation that they won’t notice. Been a long time since I’ve had a similar experience to yours, but once a mom said to her child, pointing at me – look at that man, he’s drawing! I was so spooked I couldn’t sketch in public for a week! (It might’ve been okay had the drawing been any good, but the drawing was horrendous and I was afraid she’d want to see it. 🙂 )

    Anyway, I think this came out great! Love the composition.

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