Field Study: Balsam Root and Saskatoon, SBA Sketchbook

Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata)

I was taken with these thick leaves with their graceful undulating edges–I loved how massive they looked in comparison with the fine grasses surrounding the plant. I settled down on the ground in the meadow at Catherine Creek in the Columbia Gorge to do the drawing, but added the color later in my studio.

Balsam Root in the meadow at Catherine Creek

Amelanchier alnifolia or Saskatoon is a small tree that stays shrub size on the windy bluffs of the Columbia Gorge.  The berries were just starting to ripen when we were there two weeks ago, by late summer they will be deep purple/black.  For this drawing, I set up a folding chair in a shady spot, so it was much more comfortable…and easier to get up afterwards!  Again I did the drawing on site, but painted it at home.

Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia)

I am studying the habitat of the Catherine Creek environs of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area as part of the course I am taking with the SBA. We are supposed to identify and sketch as many plants as we can in our sketchbooks, then use the sketches as the basis for a painting of a selection of five of the plants.


  1. Looking good already Janene. x

  2. I love the way you depicted those curly leaves on the Balsam Root. Your class sounds very rigorous, but you’re making wonderful drawings!

  3. Really appreciate you posting your progress … it already looks so beautiful on your study pages. We have had terrible storms and not able to venture out but am enjoying watching yours …

    • I am glad that you like my sketches. This has been a time consuming assignment, but I am enjoying it immensely so far. Sorry to hear about the storms in your part of the world…it must be hard to do field studies in late autumn in your hemisphere!

  4. Gorgeous drawings.

    How does your chair stay upright on that slope? I’m sure I’d tip out 😕

    • Thank you very much, Sue. Actually, it’s not obvious from the photo but there was a nice flat spot on the slope which was just right for my chair.

  5. This is looking fabulous – I love the little annotations around the watercolour work. Both paintings are beautifully executed – especially for field work! Can’t wait to see how you are going to arrange them into a final piece.

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