In late June, the meadow grasses are flowering and losing the lush greenness of spring. The seed heads wave in the breeze above the buff-colored blades of grass. Although the flowers are more scattered, a few species are making a fine show. Even on the rockiest, driest hillside, farewell-to-spring (Clarkia amoena), heal all (Prunella vulgaris […]
Garry Oak Meadow–Mid-April (2)
The Camassia are peaking a little early this year because of the recent warm weather. The meadow stretches out blue into the distance, with swathes of pink rosy plectritis and dots of yellow buttercups and lomatium. Tiny native bees and big fuzzy bumblebees seem frenzied as they go from blossom to blossom. The meadow has […]
Garry Oak Meadow-Mid-April
A friend who knows the oak meadow well, took me to a grove where many checker lilies and fawn lilies grow, alongside several other treasures like prairie star, beautiful bittercress and blue-eyed Mary. The dark checker lilies hid in the dappled shade cast by the bare oak branches until I learned to discern their graceful […]
Garry Oak Meadow-Early April
In Early April, just a haze of color was visible over the meadow. Walking through it was like stepping on a sponge, soft and very wet after the recent rains. Even the rocks were soft, covered with a plush carpet of moss. I am chronicling the tremendous variety of botanical riches in this rare and […]
Garry Oak Meadow–March
In a few weeks this ordinary looking field will be covered with wildflowers, Camas lily, farewell to spring, columbine, candy flower, shooting star and more. I plan to record the succession of blooming plants as much as possible in the coming weeks and months. Pretty soon it will be a challenge to keep up! Fortunately, […]