Garry Oak Meadow–March

Garry Oak Meadow–March

In a few weeks this ordinary looking field will be covered with wildflowers, Camas lily, farewell to spring, columbine, candy flower, shooting star and more. I plan to record the succession of blooming plants as much as possible in the coming weeks and months. Pretty soon it will be a challenge to keep up! Fortunately, […]

Beets Doing the Tango

Beets Doing the Tango

Although the focus of my work is native plants, which are for the most part delicate, ephemeral and many shades of green with touches of color, sometimes I just want to do something bright and bold. The farmer’s market is my place to go for colorful subjects–carrots, kohlrabi, tomatoes peppers…and those are just the beginning […]

Painting Roots–Why and How

Painting Roots–Why and How

The most ordinary things in nature, like roots and dirt, prove to be complex beyond imagination and inextricably interrelated with all of life.

Botanical Art Show at Lan Su Garden

Botanical Art Show at Lan Su Garden

The botanical art exhibition opened in the elegant Lan Su Chinese Garden in Portland, Oregon on a moonlit October evening. The garden is a favorite destination for both tourists and locals, so we, as the participating artists, are pleased to have our artwork on display in such a beautiful and popular setting. The show will […]

Thoughts on a 10 Year Anniversary

Thoughts on a 10 Year Anniversary

Over the past 10 years, my blog has gone through three phases, reflecting my artistic endeavors at the time. I wanted to share some of what I learned in each phase. Blogging has helped motivate me, solidify my thoughts and hopefully along the way, I’ve been able to share some things that have been of […]