Sketchbook–Quince Fruit

Sketchbook–Quince Fruit

We have an old gnarled Quince tree (Cydonia oblonga) in our garden that produces an abundant crop of fruit each year.  We propped up the main branches recently lest they become so bowed down with fruit that the tree finally topples over.  Quince trees have been in cultivation for millennia, in fact as a Greek […]

More Quince Blossoms

I used three different types of tools to sketch Quince blossoms during this last week.  I thought if I treated the same subject in different ways, it might help me settle on one approach to concentrate on for awhile. I feel that I am always starting over and trying something new, which can be fun […]

Quince Blossom

We live in an urban neighborhood that was built in the 20’s and 30’s on land that was once an orchard. One of the trees on our property is an old Quince tree. It must be over 100 years old.  This is not the more familiar Flowering Quince shrub, but a fruit tree with very […]